If you purchased a new home in 2018, file your residential homestead exemption application by April 30, 2019, to effectively remove part of the value of your property from taxation and lower your taxes.

In addition to the $25,000 exemption that all homestead owners receive, those age 65 or older qualify for a $10,000 homestead exemption for school taxes. This exemption is effective as of January 1st the year in which you turn 65.
In Travis County, the appraisal district will add the over 65 exemption automatically during the first quarter of the year if the district has the date of birth for the owner on the record. In other counties, you may need to proactively apply for the exemption by completing a form and submitting proof of age.
If you are unsure that the appraisal district has that information, send a homestead exemption form requesting the “Over 65” exemption along with either a copy of the front side of your Texas driver’s license, Texas Identification card, or a copy of your birth certificate.

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